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About SignTalk®

Founded in 1997, SignTalk® is a national provider of Sign Language Interpreters to educational, medical, legal, technical, and corporate settings. Dedicated to eliminating language barriers, SignTalk matches each sign language interpreting request with an interpreter whose skills, experience, and qualifications are best suited to the setting and the consumer's communication mode and preferences. SignTalk® is an Inc. 500\5000 fastest growing company.

Our roster consists of nationally certified sign language interpreters (NIC/RID) and state-qualified, pre-certified interpreters who adhere to the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Code of Professional Conduct (CPC), assuring that confidentiality, professionalism, and ethical behaviors are maintained at all times.


As an RID CMP/CMET approved sponsor of continuing education activities, SignTalk® offers interpreters a range of seminars, webinars, and workshops which focus on expanding the interpreters' knowledge and understanding of the role of the interpreter, RID Code of Professional Conduct, expressive and receptive voicing and signing skills, teaming and terminology of specific subject areas, and setting-specific topics, e.g. medical, academic, legal, etc.


Clients are offered a variety of in-services on Deaf culture and the role of the interpreter as it pertains to their industry.


SignTalk®'s recruitment process includes an interview, credential verification, and background check to assess the candidate's receptive and expressive skills, fieldwork experience, integrity, and expertise in order to ensure that interpreters meets the eligibility criteria and standards set forth by our agency and the client.


Program Coordinators are trained in matching each request with an interpreter whose skills, experience, and qualifications are best suited to the setting - educational, medical, legal, platform, corporate, community, etc. - the consumer's communication mode and the client's preferences.


We guarantee excellent customer service, a smooth process, and invoice transparency. SignTalk® is the ultimate resource for your communication needs.


SignTalk® is a member of and abides by the standards of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). SignTalk® is affiliated with Comprehensive Network®, Inc., established in 1985 as a leading professional services network in healthcare and education.

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